High risk of high heels!!

A recent case where a receptionist was told by her employer that she must wear heels of between 2 and 4 inches as well as makeup complying with  a colour chart she was provided with, has caused an uproar, leading to over 100,000 signatures on an online petition the lady in question started, meaning that the issue will be debated in parliament.

The question of whether it is discriminatory to require a woman to wear heels is, of course, at the forefront of this.  Certainly a man would not be required to wear heels and there is no objective justification for the requirement, therefore it would seem that it would be found to be direct sex discrimination.

What it does high-light, is the need for all employers who have a dress code policy to review it to ensure that it is not outdated.  Employers should also be alive to the issues that can arise when outsourcing to other companies.  This lady was employed through an outsourced reception company, whose policy it was. That company has hastily changed it’s dress code policy to ensure that all women may wear flat shoes.

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